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Meet Andy

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I discovered qigong at a time in my life when things weren't working out quite as I hoped and planned, and I was experiencing a constant and nagging dissatisfaction with myself and everyone around me.  Being hypercritical and opinionated about everyone and everything left me miserable.  I tried to sit and meditate, thinking that would be good for me, but the inner voices were too loud, sharp and tangled for me to find any relief.


At the suggestion of a close friend I tried qigong, and immediately found it to be relaxing, if not world shattering.  About 6 months in to regular practice, something clicked and started to unleash waves of powerful energy inside my being; I began to feel more connected to my body, less trapped in mind, and I experienced great peace and contentment, even a sense of divine blessedness; a felt-sense of love that wasn't dependent on anything external.


Many years later, my mission in life is to help facilitate experiences of inner stillness, bliss, and love as both a resource for and a refuge from the pervasive urgency, stress and grasping that so often cloud our experience, understanding and appreciation of life.  Qigong is a beautiful moving meditation practice that can reduce stress, improve health and, on a deeper level, it's a powerful tool for creating the spaciousness of mind necessary to delve into understanding oneself and understanding the nature of reality. 


I am a spiritual seeker rather than an expert in or a strict disciple of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In helping folks better understand their hearts and minds, I draw on many other disciplines and practices such as Compassionate Communication, Vipassana Meditation, Yoga, neurobiology, archetypal psychology when those frameworks, tools and ways of looking are helpful.


Please reach out if you are looking for individualized support, curious about in-person workshops and retreats, or would like to provide feedback. 




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